FOMPAC Competition Rules
Competitions are open to amateur competitors only. Prize money won at a similar competition does not affect the status of an amateur.
Competitors compete at their own risk. The Committee accepts no responsibility for accidents or mishaps.
The Adjudicator’s decision is final.
No communication with the Adjudicator by any parent, competitor, teacher or other interested party, prior to or during the Competition, except Committee members on official duties.
No competitor who has been taught or coached by the Adjudicator within the last 2 years (except for workshops and seminars) shall be allowed to compete in that particular class.
No prompting or assistance of any kind is to be given during a performance, except by the Adjudicator.
If a competitor runs offstage during their performance, they are permitted to repeat their dance but forfeit their right to a medal placing (i.e., in the top 3).
Duo and Trio Sections - Competitors may appear twice in a class but only once with the same partner.
Restricted classes are for competitors who have not received a 1st placing in a similar class at any competition as at the time of competition.
All Solo, Duo and Trio Classes under 12 years - must not exceed 3 minutes. ll Solo, Duo and Trio Classes over 12 years - must not exceed 4 minutes. Troupe Classes must not exceed 4 minutes (time taken from Adjudicator’s bell).
All competitors must be in attendance in the order set out in the programme at the commencement of their class. Those not present when called, shall at the discretion of the Stage Manager, forfeit their right to compete.
Competitors shall dance in the order of the programme or at the Stage Manager's discretion.
Stage Manager - The management of the stage, backstage and dressing rooms are in the hands of the Stage Manager.
Backstage Area - No person other than competitors or officials will be permitted on the side or backstage area, with the exception of the under 8 year olds classes or where props are required to be placed on stage. At the conclusion of his or her item, competitors must leave the backstage area.
Trophies must be signed for at the report table. Trophies remain the property of FOMPAC and are held by the winner for the remainder of the competition year only. Trophies must be returned when requested. The engraving of the trophy is the responsibility of the winner. Trophies must be returned undamaged and polished or competitors will be held liable for damage incurred while in their possession or in transit.
Musical Theatre classes must be from a Broadway show or Musical.
Videotaping and taking of photographs of competitors on stage is to only take place with the permission of the Committee.
PACANZ Troupe Nomination Class – videotaping by a representative of the Studio dancing on stage is permitted for the purpose of uploading to PACANZ should that troupe be successful in receiving the nomination.
Cellphones are not to be used in the Theatre. Please ensure they are switched off or on silent.
Tap shoes must be covered when worn in the main foyer area.
Troupes must enter in the age group according to the average age of the troupe performing.
The Executive Committee reserves to itself, the right to determine the status of all competitors in applying and interpreting all the Rules. The decision of the Committee is final.